UX Gigs

Average UX Design salaries in the UK

What is the average salary for a UX Designer in the UK? We've analysed the 78 UX Design jobs posted since 2023 on UX Gigs. Read on to find out how that compares by seniority and city.

Last updated 21/03/2024.

What is an average UX Designer salary in the UK?

The average salary for a UX Designer in the UK is £60,177. This is based on 78 UX Design jobs posted on UX Gigs.

Junior UX Designer salaries in the UK

For those just starting their UX Designer career, or with 1 - 2 years experience under their belts, the averagesalary is on average £20,750.

*Based on 2 jobs.

Midweight UX Designer salaries in the UK

A midweight UX Designer typically has about 3-5 years experience. As their expertise grows, so does the averagesalary. A midweight UX Designer can typically expect a salary of £49,773* on average.

*Based on 11 jobs.

Senior UX Designer salaries in the UK

A senior UX Designer typically has about 8+ years experience. Not only are senior UX Designer's experienced in their craft, but their responsibilites are also greater. A senior UX Designer can typically expect a salary of £64,728* on average.

*Based on 26 jobs.

Lead UX Designer salaries in the UK

A lead UX Designer is often responsible for the design for a particular team and may manage a team of designers. A leadUX Designer can typically expect a salary of £72,627* on average.

*Based on 15 jobs.

Where can I find UX Designer jobs in the UK?

There are a number of job boards for UX Design jobs in the UK. Sites like Indeed and LinkedIn can be a great place to start. You can also browse the UX Gigs job board for UX Design jobs specifically in the UK.

How do UX Designer salaries compare across the UK?

UX Designer salaries in London, UK

The salaries in London are typically higher due to higher living costs. That is no exception for UX Design, where the average salary for a UX Designer is £64,607*.

*Based on 32 jobs.

UX Designer salaries in Manchester, UK

Whilst salaries in Manchester are lower compared to London, so too are the living costs. The average salary for a UX Designer in Manchester is about £50,430* .

*Based on 23 jobs.

Remote UX Designer salaries in the UK

The boom in remote design jobs has been a real benefit for UX Design jobs, bringing in higher salaries with the flexibility of working anywhere in the country. The average remote UX Designer salary in the UK is £63,050*.

*Based on 23 jobs.

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